Most of what I have on the painting information page applies to metal phones. This page is mostly to provide pricing and a few tips.
1. Early cradle phones - In most cases, leave the cradle attached to the base. Either remove switch springs or wrap them in tape, a lot of paint finds it's way into the base. Mask off the stems of plungers.
2. Candlestick phones - Leave the shaft attached to the base. If you want them painted separately, mask off the threads on the shaft. Remove or mask off the transmitter. It's best to remove.
3. Subsets- If you don't want the inside of a subset painted because of wiring diagrams, be sure to let me know or they will be blasted out and painted.
4. If the base cover of your candlestick or desk stand is rusty, send it in and I can blast it clean but not paint it for you.
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