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Repair Service

Although I set up this web site to assist people in fixing their phone by them self, some people just don't have a knack for things mechanical. If this is you, then you can send your phone in to me and I'll take care of it for you.

Most issues with the Ericofon are solved with an overhaul. This includes taking the phone apart, cleaning the movements, lubricating and adjusting. I also buff the shell, and make sure all the wiring is correct.

Common requests include:

  1. Adding a ringer: I usually find a ringer is in the phone and is not working because of wiring or a defective part. This is easily dealt with during an overhaul. If your phone does not ring and you want it to, you can include payment for adding a ringer and I will refund that back if there is already a ringer present in the phone.

  2. Cord Issues: I can do a number of things with cords. I can add a reproduction cord or an original cord. If I use an original cord, then you will also have to get the modular plug so you can use the phone. The cost to replace your cord with a reproduction is $15 and the cost for an original (new old stock, not used) and modular plug is $20.

  3. Weak Receivers: If you have trouble hearing other people with your phone it's because your receiver is failing. The cost for replacing a weak receiver is $20.

To have your phone serviced, CLICK HERE to get the printable service order form.



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