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(Professionally Refinished) 

(Professionally Refinished) 


Jade Green
Aqua - no picture yet
Same color as this phone |



(Professionally Refinished) 

(Professionally Refinished) 
The Automatic Electric Company
(later known as GTE) was located originally in Chicago, IL. Their model 183 was most
commonly called the "Space Maker" and was marketed as saving space in the new
modern kitchen. It also came to be known by other names due to its many adaptations, such
as the "Bar Phone". Anywhere you wanted to put it, it was small and didn't take
up a lot of room.
The downside to the small footprint is the fact they left out the ringer.
For a ringer, you need a separate bell box mounted on the wall near the floor. You don't
need the bell box for the phone to work, but if you want it to ring you need one.
There are a few adjustments that can be made on this phone. The first is
that the head swivels to various angles in a 180º span. The other is you can have the
handset rest on either the left, right, or center position. You can see in the pictures I
have moved the handsets around to the various positions. You can request a position when
ordering the phone.
Digital Conversion
(For using your phone on a digital line. See the page on rotary
dialing for more information)
Purchase this option after completing your phone purchase. |
Internal |