numbers in parenthesis are 2023 inflation adjusted prices --
Original North Electric Price lists
October 22, 1957
North Electric Company
Galion, OH
Price List
Ericofon and Accessories
1. Ericofon with cord only $27.25 ($296.26)
1. North wall terminal block with ivory cover $ .60
2. North old style ringer box (st. line) with black cover 8.10
3. North old style ringer box (frequency) with black cover 8.75
4. North new style ringer box-Type "B"(st. line) with ivory cover 9.25
5. North new style ringer box-Type "B" (frequency) with ivory cover 10.00
6. North new style ringer box-Type "B" less ringer 5.60
7. Buzzer box with thermistor and ivory cover 9.50
Above prices cover all available colors of Ericofon
Above prices FOB shipping point
Above prices subject to change without notice
Above prices effective on all orders booked on or after November 1, 1957
Price of Ericofon and accessories subject to discount per separate
discount schedule
December 16, 1958
North Electric Company
Galion, OH
Price list for
telephone operating companies
Ericofon Without Dial
1. Ericofon less dial with cord no signaling device ........................ $24.25 ($263.64)
2. Ericofon less dial with cord with built in buzzer signaling device ...... $27.25 ($296.26)
3. Ericofon less dial with cord with built in Ericotone signal .............. $30.00 ($326.15)
Ericofon With Dial
1. Ericofon with dial and cord no signaling device ......................... $27.25 ($296.26)
2. Ericofon with dial and cord with built in buzzer signaling device ....... $30.25 ($328.87)
3. Ericofon with dial and cord with built in Ericotone Signal ............... $33.00 ($358.77)
1. MSE-283-B-4 Four-pronged Plug (shipped loose with Ericofon) ............... $1.00
2. MSE-283-B-4 Four-pronged Plug (attached to Ericofon cord) ................. $1.25
Above prices cover all Ericofon colors available at this date
Above prices FOB shipping point
Above prices subject to change without notices
Above prices effective on all orders booked on or after this date and are
minimum prices
SPECIAL NOTE: All of the above prices are net and no quantity or cash
discounts apply